Our Vision

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More than an online classroom

There’s a certain energy you feel when you meet another teacher on the VIPKid platform. 

I remember it vividly at my very first meetup in 2017 in Austin, Texas. For many, it was the first time meeting someone who had taken “the plunge,” and signed up for this opportunity to teach online, in the early morning, halfway around the world. Who could have imagined then that this community would grow to be the largest online teacher community?

As we move into this next chapter of VIPKid, we want to harness the energy of this community. The VIPKid Teacher Network will be important no matter the path you take. In this professional network, you can share new tools and jobs with the group, educate and support each other, compare notes on VIPKid Global opportunities, and even mobilize your teacher community for the greater good. 

These days, our careers have different “chapters.” Perhaps we leave a role to have a child or take care of a loved one; Maybe we move abroad or go through a life transition; Some of us may get a dream job or lose a dream job. My hope is that this network of teachers, no matter what you choose to do, will continue to bring new opportunities into your life. 

You are an incredible group of creative, entrepreneurial, patient, and culturally competent leaders that found each other in a shared desire to do what you love - teach. I hope that during your time on the VIPKid platform, you have learned that you have the ability to make change in your community and to affect students around the world. We certainly think so! 

I am pleased to have former and active teachers on the VIPKid platform join this professional network for the long term so we can stay united as the world’s best teachers. 


Kevyn Klein

Head of VIPKid Community & US Operations